Carbon Neutral

Since its foundation, Republica has invested in an environmentally conscious future. Part of this commitment is our work to reduce our carbon footprint.

In 2012, Republica became the first Australian food company to be certified "carbon neutral" by Low Carbon Australia. Since then, Republica has taken responsibility to measuring, reducing and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions associated with our business operations or products. 

We’re always ensuring that our operations have a minimal impact on the environment by continually improving our business practices. At the core of our culture is sustainability. Here are two initiatives that we support.

Vichada Forest Restoration Colombia

Located in Colombia's Orinoco river basin, the Vichada Climate Reforestation project combines reforestation for sustainable timber production with biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. 

Degraded savannah lands are transformed to close-to-nature forests that both produce high quality hardwoods and sequester large amounts of carbon In addition to providing habitat for native plants and animals, these resulting forests also help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enrich the soil. The Vichada Climate Reforestation project conserves remaining forests and promotes ecosystem interconnectivity by establishing ecological corridors.

Furthermore, the project provides secure job opportunities with legal protections and development programs for workers, helping alleviate poverty within local areas. The project also encompasses community education with the focus on climate change and the importance of sustainability activities.

Read more about the Vichada Forest Restoration Colombia project here.  

EcoAustralia Credit

EcoAustralia credits combine government-accredited Australian Biodiversity Units with international carbon credits. Furthermore, these voluntary standards adhere to the Australian Government's Climate Active Program. Ultimately, EcoAustralia is a uniquely Australian solution to mitigating global greenhouse gas emissions. These carbon credits guarantee the conservation of Australia’s remaining high-quality biodiversity and habitats.

As a “stapled” offset, each credit represents one tonne of avoided carbon dioxide emissions from international projects in addition to the Australian Biodiversity Unit (ABU), representing permanent protection of Australian native habitat. 

  • The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Gold Standard ensure that credits contribute to Sustainable Development Goals through their environmental, social, and economic impacts.
  • Government-accredited habitat protection is achieved through Australian Biodiversity Units (ABUs), which have covenants on land titles. This ensures the vegetation is managed for conservation permanently, and the credits are retired on the Victorian Government’s Native Vegetation Credit Register.

Read more about EcoAustralia Credits and its program here.